
Socialising and dancing are a key reason why many of us learn to dance.

This is where you can find out about upcoming events and how to join us.

Swing in the Isle Does Ballroom

Following on from our very successful first ballroom workshop, Craig & I will be hosting more.

Saturday 28th September 2-5pm, we will be continuing to teach basic Waltz, Trinity Methodist Church, Douglas.

Saturday 12th October 2-5pm, we will be teaching basic Cha Cha & a Cha Cha Party Dance, Trinity Methodist Church, Douglas.

This is aimed at absolute beginners and novices.

There will be time to practice & social dancing.

We will be ensuring the same number of Leads & Follows & keep a waiting list as necessary.

There will be a Cream Tea, Tea & Coffee included.

Bring your own other drinks.

£15 per person, per event or £8 for Full Frankie & Simply Swing members.

Book a place in class or via email.

Supplementary Social

Friday 25th October from 7pm

All Saints Hall Alexander Drive/Albany Road, Douglas.

Entry £7 (free for subscription members)

Please bring some food to share & your own drink

Further Info contact Bob 461175

Christmas Party.

Saturday 30th November 7-11pm

All Saints Church Hall, Douglas.

More details to follow

Save The Date: Future and Other Events

The Blue Train Big Band Summer Arcade Concert 28th July 3pm.

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